Monday, July 28, 2014

We made our decision: Introducing “The Big Adventure”

For weeks now, Troy and I have been agonizing over some “Big Boy” decisions we are being forced to make. After losing both of our jobs, starting a new company with my family, and landing some big contracts – we can now see where our proverbial “chips” are falling. Our first project is about 2 hours south east of our current home. We will need to be on the ground daily to fulfill the requirements of the project. The 4 hour roundtrip commute just wasn’t going to cut it, especially on our shoestring budget.

So we should sell our house, right? This was the logical first thought. We sell, we move, we finish the project. Boom! Aren’t we great decision makers? So logical. Then the fear sets in. All of the unknowns are starting to stack up… Where are we going to live once the house is sold? Are we going to rent or own? How do we feel about giving up our homeownership to live in someone else’s rental house? The project won’t last more than 12-18 months, but renting is such a waste of money…and, how are we going to pack and move all of this stuff – Troy has a broken leg! So naturally, we went out for Chinese food and pretended none of this was happening...

Oddly enough, sweet and sour chicken didn’t make this go away. A few days later, Troy approached me with an idea: Sell everything, buy an RV and hit the road. We would park it down south for the project, bring it back to Houston for the next job, and it would be ours. A traveling home. Interesting…

Ha! Yeah Right! Honey – an RV? Seriously? We have a toddler. and dogs. We like glamping camping, sure, but to live in an RV? That seems impossible. But, God blessed me with a trustworthy and unmaterialistic man who saw the freedom this would bring our family. So, I “prayed” about it. It went something like this…

“God, what are you telling Troy? Please, take some time to set his mind straight. He wants to take away my walk in closet and our huge kitchen. What about Paisley’s playroom? And the guest room…we can’t have guests over in an RV! Why doesn’t he want guests over? Doesn’t he like my friends? Clearly we cannot be social anymore…Anyway, God, get him on the right track - Will Ya?”
I know, great prayer.

        Luckily, God worked on my heart before changing Troy. With a little convincing, and help from some awesome blogs (thank you Pinterest!), I realized that there were other families out there who were doing this full time RV thing. I read about families with handfuls of children who travel thousands of miles in a year living in an RV, a travel trailer, a 5th wheel camper. I was introduced to the concept of a truly lighter lifestyle. Imagine that… this little slice of Suburbia that I am fighting so hard for (that I’m not even that satisfied by) really isn’t for everybody. There are other options, and it is okay to explore them. 

       Acknowledging that this is our plan may not seem like a significant step, but it is for us. Saying is not doing, and pursuing this lighter lifestyle will become increasingly difficult as we venture forward. But we have a plan, the ball has been put in motion…

…and I found some great DIY Camper Remodels on Pinterest. So, let the adventure begin!

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